What Makes This Vacuum Cupping Set So Special
- Manually control the cupping pressure on the body
- No more risk with fire and burning skin
- Faster and Safer way to apply masage cupping therapy
The hand-gripped vacuum pump allows you to easily place the cup at the targeted body part and apply the massage cupping therapy immediately. Instead of using the old way by burning up oxygen in the glass, Chi Activate’s Suction cup allows you to withdraw the air from the cups using a suction gun. It’s easy and fast!
With these transparent cups you can see the reddening progress of the treatment and allows you to adjust the pressure to the patients own comfort level.
All six cupping sets are made with high standards and quality principles.
Each cup is carefully inspected at the factory with ISO9001 quality standard.
It’s an ideal set for applying the Chinese cupping therapy and it comes with biomagnetic needles.

The magnetic "needles" (strength 2000 ~ 2500 gauss) apply a continuous, spring-adjusted pressure on the skin when installed. They are easily removable from the dome of each cup and equally easy to re-install.
How Can Massage Cupping Therapy Help Heal Your Body?
Cupping therapy has been applied for over thousands years already in the Chinese medicine. Even the ancient Greeks (400 B.C.) were using cupping therapy to treat internal sickness.
Suction cupping helps mobilize blood flow in order to promote the internal healing process. Suction cupping relaxes muscles tissues while applying negative (suction) pressure on the surface of the body.
You can think of massage cupping therapy as the opposite of body massage. With body massage you apply positive pressure (pressing in on body tissues), but with suction you cupping apply negative pressure (drawing body tissues outward from body)
Actress Gwyneth Paltrow Has Been Using Massage Cupping with Amazing Results
Testimonials ~ What Customers Say About Our Cupping Set
"I recently purchased an oriental massage cupping set from your website, ChiActivate.com.
I have to say that the service that I received exceeds all of my expectations. When the set arrived, there was some damage to one of the cups. There was also a connector missing from the set. I contacted the service department through the website.
Not only did you send me return instructions, but, after hearing that I was simply missing a piece and had some damage to another, you sent me a new set without asking me to go through the hassle of returning the old set. This personal service is much appreciated. I will definitely make chiactivate.com a preferred vendor for my future needs!"
Tim, Burnsville, MN
"This is a great cupping set! I'm have been studying Traditional Chinese Medicine and using it with practice patients for colds/flus aches and pain! Easy to use, easy to clean and fantastic carrying case! I highly recommend this set!!"
George, Goose Creek, South Carolina
"I got the cupping set 12 in a few days, which is very quick. It is very easy and straightforward to use. Just use the pump to suck out the air. It’s much better and safer than the old fire cupping. I'm totally satisfied with this purchase. "
Sara, Lyons, Nebraska
How To Use This Suction Cupping 6 Set
- Place one of the Rubber Suction Connector (green arrow-looking piece) onto the Suction Hand Gun. Arrowhead facing out.
- Before attaching the Suction Cup, make sure the Yellow Plug in the cup is NOT pushed down. If the Yellow Plug is pushed down, gently pull up the plug to allow air to go through.
- Choose & connect a Suction Cup of your choice into the Rubber Suction Connector.
- Smear an appropriate amount of oil, or skin cream onto target area
- Place the Suction Cup to the desired location on the body
- Pump the Suction Hand Gun handle to withdraw air from the cup.
- Remove Connector & Suction Hand Gun to leave cup attached to skin by vacuum pressure. To remove the cup, pull up on the cup's valve to release the vacuum pressure.