Pinched Nerve In Neck and How to Treat It

Pinched Nerve In Neck ~ Treatment without Surgery

Is pinched nerve causing you a variety of problems?  You may just experience pain, while others can experience more serious issues like incontinence and arm weakness. Surgery can be performed to alleviate a pinched nerve, but is this your only option? There are other far less invasive measures that can be tried first that are effective and safer such as Neck traction 


What are the Risks of Surgery for a Pinched Nerve?

No surgery is without risk. Performing surgery on the cervical spine can be especially tricky. The following are risks specific to surgery on the spine in the neck:

  • Difficulty or soreness with swallowing
  • Injury to the esophagus
  • Voice changes
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Missing implanted items, such as screws or plates

There are also risks that pertain to spinal surgery overall.

These include:

  • Infection
  • Injury to the nerves
  • Reactions to anesthesia
  • Failure to relieve symptoms
  • Bleeding
  • Injury to the spinal cord
  • Having to have more surgery in the future
  • The sac covering the nerves getting torn

Is There A Way To Treat Pinched Nerve In Neck Without Surgery?

Watch How ChiSoft Neck Traction Can Help Pinched Nerve In Neck

(Video Found At youTube)



How Neck Traction Can Help Relieve Pinched Nerve in Neck

Neck traction using an air neck traction device has become a very popular way to help relieve a pinched nerve. This is a very safe method as well. You will be using a small device that resembles a neck brace that is inflated. You control the inflation, allowing you to stretch your neck to a level that is comfortable for you.

Neck traction should never cause pain. You should feel a gentle stretch in your neck. If you start to feel pain, immediately deflate the device a bit until the pain stops.

Air neck traction devices should be used in increments of 15 minutes. You should aim to do a session at least twice a day to promote healing of a pinched nerve and to maintain flexibility in the neck. You can also add a few extra sessions in each day as needed for acute pain and stiffness in the neck. These should also be 15 minutes long.

Now you can use neck traction therapy at home with ChiSoft Neck Traction Device.

>> Want To Know More About Neck Traction Device? Click Here..

how to use neck traction

If You Have Acute PainWhich Medications can Help a Pinched Nerve in Neck?


Medications are very commonly used to treat a pinched nerve in the neck. In fact, these are usually the first line of treatment. Pain-relieving drugs can help to make pain a little more bearable. Of the pain medications available, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the most commonly used. A pinched nerve can be inflamed, so helping to calm this inflammation can help to relieve the symptoms associated with this condition. These are available by prescription as well as over the counter.

In cases of severe acute pain, narcotic pain relievers may be used. These are incredibly effective at alleviating pain, but they also carry a lot of risks. These are only used short-term due to their high risk.

In cases where inflammation is quite bad, steroid injections may be considered. These are effective at knocking out severe inflammation, which can in turn, alleviate pain and other symptoms. These injections can be painful when they are administered, so they are usually not a first line treatment.


Which Other Natural Treatments can Help a Pinched Nerve?

Massage is probably one of the most common natural treatments for a pinched nerve. This should be done by a professional who knows how to work with pinched nerves for best results.


There are herbs that can be useful for pain. Things like Valerian root can be effective in relaxing painful muscles and things like skullcap can help to lessen pain. It is important to talk to a doctor before taking any herbs.

Other natural treatments that some people find helpful include guided imagery, meditation, magnetic therapy and music therapy. These can all be combined to promote a reduction in symptoms and healing of the pinched nerve. One of the most effective way to treat pinched nerve is using an air neck traction device.

Physical Therapy for a Pinched Nerve, Does it Help?

Physical therapy involves a set of specific exercises targeted at helping to relieve the symptoms of a pinched nerve. These exercises also typically work to promote the healing of a pinched nerve. A physical therapist will develop the right regimen of exercises and teach you how to do them properly. It is critical to do the exercises right, or else you risk further injury.

Stretches are another major component of physical therapy for a pinched nerve in the neck. Just like the exercises, a physical therapist will put together a list of stretches and teach you how to properly perform them.

If you have certain activities that you know will aggravate your pinched nerve, it is important to tell your physical therapist. He or she can help you develop strategies to modify these activities so that they do not cause pain.

August 17, 2020 - Reading time: 7 minutes